February 2021
February 2021
Did you know that one of the most important keys to success is positive thinking?
With this key – this state of mind, it is easier to achieve success, improve relationships, have better health, and enjoy happiness, satisfaction and inner peace.
With a positive state of mind you can also handle more easily your daily affairs of life, and make everything flow more smoothly, and with less friction.
A positive attitude makes life look brighter and promising.
It is great to have a positive state of mind. It makes you a happier person, and it can improve your relations with people.
Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick up your mental moods and are affected by them. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will make people like you and desire to help you.
However, if you want material results, such as more money, a good job, or success in business, you need to do more.
You will also need to take positive action.
Getting results requires not only positive thinking, but also positive action.
In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but you also need to take any necessary actions to ensure your success.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude, and you need to back this state of mind with positive action.
What Is Positive Action?
It means taking action and not staying passive.
It means making decisions and following them with action.
It means doing something about your expectations and dreams.
It means taking the right action, and being positive that it will further your aims.
It means studying or taking a course, if this is required to take you closer to your dreams.
If you have to spend money, meet people or work, do it, and do not wait for things to happen by themselves.
It is good to be a dreamer, but you also need to use common sense, make plans and take action.
It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. You need to strive to stay positive and act positively.
Are you willing to make a real inner change?
Are you willing to change the way you think?
Are you willing to back your thoughts, your dreams and your expectation with action?
Your Key to Success Tips
Positive thinking can lead you to success.
Your positive attitude is the key to success in life.
Use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, ‘I can’, ‘I am able’, ‘it is possible’, ‘it can be done’, etc.
Allow only feelings of happiness, strength and success into your awareness.
Disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, by substituting them with constructive, happy thoughts. Every time a negative thought finds its way into your mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought.
In your conversation, use words that bring forth feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome. If you visualize with focus and conviction, you will be amazed at the results.
Read at least one page of an inspiring book every day.
Watch movies that make you feel happy.
Minimize the time you listen to the news and read the newspapers.
Associate yourself with people who think positively.
Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.
Walk, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.
Think and find out what action you can take to make people happy, and act accordingly.
Think and find how you can improve relations with people around you, and act according to your findings.
Find out how you can follow your positive attitude with positive action. In other words, what can you do to make this attitude bring real results in the real world.
Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be.
In time, your mental attitude will affect your external life and circumstances, and change them accordingly.
One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy in disguise — or, worse yet, therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. In reality, life coaching is truly its own unique service designed to help ambitious achievers meet the outcomes that will bring them success and fulfillment, in any and all areas of life. Here are some of the differences between life coaching and therapy, and a basic guide for when each service is appropriate.
What is therapy?
Therapy, also called counseling or psychotherapy, is a long-term process in which a client works with a healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve problematic beliefs, behaviors, relationship issues, feelings and sometimes physical responses. The idea behind therapy is to focus on past traumas and issues to change self-destructive habits, repair and improve relationships and work through painful feelings. In this sense, therapy focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis, with the hope of resolving past issues and creating a happier, more stable future.
What does a life coach do? The difference between a life coach and therapist is that a life coach sets clients up with a process that may be long or short-term, instead of regular sessions. In life coaching, a client works with a coach, who is not a healthcare professional, in order to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results. The process of life coaching takes the client’s current starting point as an acceptable neutral ground and is more action-based from that point onward. A life coach enables the person receiving treatment to take control of their life and take action to steer it toward their goals.
The fundamentals of life coaching are what distinguishes it from therapy. Life coaches do not diagnose the people they work with, while therapists determine illnesses and pathologies so their patients can be clinically treated. Therapists analyze their client’s past as a tool for understanding present behaviors, whereas life coaches simply identify and describe current problematic behaviors so the client can work to modify them. In other words, therapists focus on “why” certain behavioral patterns occur, and coaches work on “how” to work toward a goal.
When you look at a life coach vs. a therapist’s practice, it’s important to recognize that therapists help clients explore and understand their subconscious and unconscious mind. Their goal in this exploration is a deep understanding of behaviors and patterns. Life coaches focus on an individual’s actions and results. Life coaches measure their client’s success with key performance indicators and specific behavioral outcomes and goals.
Therapy and life coaching do share certain traits and aims. However, whether you choose to work with a life coach or therapist, both work to enable clients to make positive changes in their lives and become more productive. While therapists diagnose and treat from a healthcare perspective, not all therapy clients are ill; many healthy people seek the services of both therapists and life coaches. Therapists may at times work with specific results in mind, such as the cessation of a particular problematic behavior.
Despite occasional areas of overlap, the work and processes of therapists and life coaches are distinct.
Naturally, the decision to seek out a therapist or a life coach is a very personal one. It might help to imagine yourself getting ready to climb a mountain. You could either hire an expert sherpa and guide for your expedition or a doctor. Which should you choose? Which one will be most helpful during your specific journey?
If you are physically unwell, or would be in danger if you even attempted the climb, a sherpa and guide wouldn’t do you any good. You need to be at a baseline level of good health before you can make the climb at all, so if you’re not, you might need to see the doctor before trying something that challenging. However, if you’re healthy and just need someone to help you with climbing strategy, carrying the load of supplies and finding the best path, the sherpa and guide is the best bet.
In this example, the therapist is the doctor. He or she gets you well enough to take on major challenges in your life by exploring your mental and emotional well-being. The life coach is the sherpa and guide. He or she has an expert knowledge of your climb and can help you reach the summit.
Clarifying and achieving personal and professional goals
Creating business plans
Working to improve communication skills
Achieving financial independence and security
Achieving a work/life balance
Starting a new business or growing a current business
Recover from past traumas
Explore why past relationships (business or personal) have been destructive
Work through depression or anxiety that affect your ability to function at home or work
Survive a divorce or loss of a loved one
Although life coaches and therapists occasionally help clients with similar problems, their work is not the same. In order to get the right kind of professional expertise, it is crucial to know which kind of guidance will serve you best. Do you need a therapist, or do life coaching services better suit you?
Life coaching isn’t simply a watered-down version of therapy. It is a dynamic discipline designed to help motivate and inspire people to achieve more than they believe is possible.
Tony Robbins
Relationships are at the heart of our lives. They are vital for our mental and emotional wellbeing. Whether you are looking to improve your relationships with your friends and family, your work colleagues and peers, or most importantly, yourself, Kiki’s heart-centred coaching approach can help. Read on!
Relationships are at the heart of life. Why are relationships important?
As people, the relationships we form with other people are vital to our mental and emotional wellbeing, and really, our survival to live purposefully daily. A positive relationship with love, support, encourage and practically as well as emotionally.
Find the love you seek by first finding the love within yourself. The most neglected piece of any productivity plan is your most important asset YOU. Create change, the changes start in you.
Imagine having more love, nurturing, kindness, respect, and gentleness with communication in your relationships including with yourself.
Having healthy relationships increases happiness and life satisfaction, improved psychological and mental wellbeing.
Create and redefine the relationship-based values that you have with yourself and others around you.
How heart centred are you living? How much heart and love themes in your life daily?
Would you like to go from sabotage to more love?
This is my meaning of Being “heart-centred” means that we approach life from a place of inner strength, resiliency, courage, integrity, authenticity, and truth. We move from an ego-driven space to a place where life flows more easily when we are heart-centred.
What would your meaning of being heart centred be?
I would like to share 5 heart-centred ways to enhance your relationships and discover our 5 S Heart-centred Approach to rediscover who you really are as a heart-centred person and how they can enhance your relationships.
♥ Seek⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What are you seeking is seeking you?
How to slow down time so you can easily address all the priorities + effortlessly increase your results?
What do you really want?
Why do you want it? Decide what you are going to do about it.
Imagine if you slow down to identify your wants, needs you will get the clarity to create the change you want.
♥ Solve
Eliminate procrastination and create successful daily based habits that will elevate your results.
Procrastination exists when our goals are bigger than our energy levels.
How do you want to feel?
What are the personal and work habits you have in your life daily?
How consistent are you being with your habits?
By having awareness daily of how you are wanting to feel and what is your intentions you are you more likely to commit to action. Every step counts the one we take and the ones we do not.
What habits do you have personally?
What habits do you have in your work?
Here are 5 areas that will help you create powerful and purposeful habits personally and professionally.
• Health & Lifestyle
• Mindset
• Creativity & Learning
• Connection & Community
• Me, Myself & Inner Peace
• Success mindset
• Connections & Communications
• Business/Work Action
• Results & Reflect
• Wellbeing & Wellness
You may not be consistent with your habits, that is OK. Remember you have a new opportunity tomorrow to try again. Forgive yourself for the lack of action and set a new deadline for yourself.
♥ Systems
What systems & processes do you have to set up for success?
How can you identify and eliminate the waste which is impacting you to grow personally + professionally?
What excuses are getting in your way? How can you take ownership to create change?
♥ Status
What is sucking your energy and how to reclaim and protect your energy, spending all your time doing the things you love?
How can you get a balance that supports you and your needs daily with your physical, mental, spiritual, and social energy?
♥ Scale
How to rediscover who you are as an individual & what do you want?
What makes you happy?
What are your passions?
How do you want to live daily?
What are you grateful for?
Who are you?
What do you want to do?
The 5-step heart centred approach helps you to turn fear into clarity + procrastination into focus to achieve lasting results. These are heart-led habits that will help with your most neglected Asset YOU. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It is time to bring more Joy, Happiness + Success in your Life, Health, Work and Business⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Which S…. needs your attention? ♥
If you’re struggling to grow your coaching business, are trying multiple marketing and social media approaches, but nothing works, the answer might lie in your branding. A consistent, intentional and powerful brand will transform your business and brand expert Aarti Parmar will teach you to mindfully implement brand-led growth. Read on!
Do you feel like you are marketing your business just for the sake of doing it? Are you using social media just because you think you should? Well now is the time to stop…
In order to build a successful strategy for your brand, you first must develop and understand the brand itself. This means identifying your brand, the perception you want to create and your future goals. Otherwise, you will be spending your valuable time marketing with no direction and no specific intention.
The ‘Brand Up’ Approach is key as you build your brand from the ground up, navigating four steps designed to take your business personality from concept all the way through to market.
Step 1: The Brand
The place to start is with your brand itself. You must understand your brand first and foremost. If you don’t understand your brand strategy framework how can you market and position it effectively? Questions like these will help you get started:
• Why do you exist?
• What’s inspiring your purpose?
• What does my brand want to be known for?
• What value do you bring?
• What makes my brand unique?
• What are my brand values?
• Who do I want to serve?
• What problems am I solving?
It’s important to consider all aspects of your brand, from your target audience to the perception you want to create and your brand’s tone of voice.
The more you get to know the ins and outs of your brand, the more intentional, focused and directional your marketing, messaging and growth will be going forward, so be sure to dedicate time to this first step.
Step 2: Brand Identity
Once you have a true understanding of your brand, it’s time to build your brand identity. Your brand identity is the visual representation of your brand, including your logo, font, colours and overall brand style.
Your brand’s visual identity should reflect your understanding of your brand.
Step 3: Brand Platforms
The next step is to showcase your newly discovered brand and brand identity on different platforms, whether that’s through your social media account, your website or an email marketing campaign. Consistency is important here to ensure your target audience is left with the desired, credible impression of your brand.
Step 4: Marketing
Once you’ve built your brand through steps one to three, you’re ready to reap the benefits of your hard work!
This leads us to the final step in the process: marketing implementation. Use your chosen brand platforms wisely to create awareness and exposure for your brand and products or services.
Remember, your brand and brand identity should remain at the heart of your marketing efforts, whether that’s through social media, PR, online advertising or TV and radio.
When the ‘Brand Up’ Approach is put into practice, it allows you to build strong, consistent and credible touchpoints for your target market. This unique, transformational and informative approach adds a real sense of purpose when it comes to marketing your brand and the products or services you offer.
Implementing this straightforward four-step process takes your audience on an intentional user journey from discovery to purchase, and it guarantees to deliver results.
Eric Mercier is a well-regarded positive psychology practitioner and a certified coach with a background in management consulting in the areas of Program and Project Management. Eric’s approaches are focused on strengths rather than weaknesses. He has a background in IT, Business, Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching. He is the lucky husband of a great woman, the proud father of two young children and a fierce advocate for involved fatherhood, work flexibility and gender equality.
Eric Mercier Profile:
I am the founder and main life coach of Own Goals Coaching (www.owngoalscoaching.com).
I help individuals with their own goals. In me, you’ll find someone who is easy to talk to, your fiercest supporter and someone who helps expand your thinking at the same time.
My most cherished values are the respect of others’ differences and a strong belief in self-efficacy. I live my life according to these values and they have guided me in all my life projects, in the countries I lived in. I believe that life is fluid and no instant is ever the same. As we grow, we go through different stages of life and theses stages demand flexibility, adaptation and change. What others call a life crisis is for me the natural reaction of a body/ mind which is rejecting something that is not suited to that person. And that’s ok. There is nothing wrong with you. You are probably in the wrong place, not where you truly belong. With coaching you can shift that paradigm and find that environment which will foster your flourishing.
I am an experienced Positive Psychology Practitioner (I have a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Melbourne, Australia) and a licensed life coach. As a member of IPPA (International Positive Psychology Association), my focus is on strengths rather than weaknesses. As a licensed life coach and member of ICF (International Coaching Federation), I follow and abide by the ICF code of ethics.
Outcome focus:
I have many years of experience in IT, Business and Consulting, successfully managing multi-million dollars projects and programs in high pressure environments. I combine this experience with my positive psychology knowledge and life coaching experience to successfully coach clients from diverse backgrounds.
Family & Community focused:
I’m the lucky husband of a great woman, the proud father of two young children and a fierce advocate for gender equality, involved fatherhood, and real work flexibility, which are the current focus of my PhD under the supervision of Associate Professor Amanda Le Couteur, at the University of Adelaide, Australia (https://researchers.adelaide.edu.au/profile/amanda.lecouteur#supervision). I also coach young adults at a revolutionary high school Youth Inc (www.youthinc.org,au).
– Master of Applied Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia
– Professional Certified Coach with ICF Life Coaching Certificate 4, Life Coaching Academy, Australia
– Master of Technology in Business Systems Design and Management, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Areas Eric Specialises in:
• Business Issues
• Career
• Corporate Coaching
• Goal Setting & Self Development
• Motivation & Time Management
• Relationships & Personal Issues
• Stress Management
• Team Management
Contact Eric:
1300 435 402
South Australia
My name is Jon Piercey and I call myself ‘The Objective Coach’.
Why The Objective Coach? Coaching is all about your OBJECTIVES and I will work with you to establish, prioritize and take ownership of your goals and objectives.
The coaching process is non-judgmental – it is OBJECTIVE. My role is to empower you to find your own answers and to put the actions in place that will deliver your goals in both your personal and professional life.
I also provide business and sales coaching.
I am a pragmatic coach – no tree hugging, just a straight forward and safe approach to working with you to achieve real results.
If you are committed to making changes in your life and want to get the very best out of yourself then you are exactly the kind of person I love working with
Professional Certified Coach with ICF
Life Coaching Certificate 4 with The Life Coaching Academy
Areas I specialise in:
• Business Issues
• Career
• Corporate Coaching
• Goal Setting & Self Development
• Stress Management
• Team Management
Contact Me:
(040) 001-5502
North Turramurra
I coach individuals to cope with stress and burnout, learn to deal with conflict, find direction & purpose in their lives and careers & build stronger relationships. Sessions available via zoom.
Areas I specialise in:
• Career
• Goal Setting & Self Development
• Health & Lifestyle
• Motivation & Time Management
• Relationships & Personal Issues
• Stress Management
BA Hons (Psychology (Cum Laude)
Professional Certified Coach with ICF, Wellness Coaching Certification
South Africa
Cape Town
(076) 113-5281
50% Training Incentive for older workers looking to re-skill for an existing or new career pathway.
The Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers program consists of two distinct parts:
1. Career assessment and mentoring providing tailored career advice and one-on-one mentoring with a personalized career advisor.
2. Access to the 50% training incentive for any vocational course that will assist them in their career pathway.
Participants must complete part 1 (career assessment and mentoring) before being eligible for part 2 training incentive.
Are you over 45 years and looking to study to be a coach?
You may be eligible for $2000 funding towards our programs through the Federal Government initiative Skills Checkpoint.
What is Skills Checkpoint?
Skills Checkpoint is a funding initiative to allow mature workers in the workforce receiving no other entitlements an opportunity to upskill.
Age – between 45 – 70 years of age.
Australian Citizen or permanent resident.
Not receiving assistance through an Australian Government employment services program.
Unemployed for no longer than three (3) consecutive months.
Employed and wish to re-skill, up-skill or undertake training to remain in current role.
Employed and wish to re-skill, up-skill or undertake training to move into a new role in current employment.
Those transitioning into a new career and wish to re-skill, up-skill or undertake training to meet the requirements of their new job or to gain the qualifications required to work in that field.
Currently employed but at risk of entering the income support system due to redundancy, reduction of hours, closure of business etc.
Skills Checkpoint is a one off application per Participant.
Participant informed that this is a co-contribution incentive by the Federal Government and that a maximum of $2,200.00 (incl. GST) is available to eligible applicants on a 50%/50% basis. That is; the Government will provide half of the funds for training (up to $2,200) and the applicant or employer would contribute the remaining half. If the course (or bundled courses) exceed $4,400.00 the Participant would then be required to pay the gap.
Enquiries can be made to: 13 28 79 or www.skillscheck.com.au