Why Life Coaching?
I’m always really keen to tell clients that coaching sessions are something to look forward to, something to enjoy – that they are an important investment in yourself.
And so it was for me…
I turned to a life coach because I was very unhappy in my job and on the verge of a burn-out. My job wasn’t making any sense any more.
At first I wasn’t sure who to turn to – a coach, a therapist or a counsellor – but as I looked into coaching further, I decided to try out life coaching.
I’ve since discovered this analogy – which sums up why I turned to a coach:
Coaching can be compared to architecture. You are in the place in your life where you are ready to move forward. A coach will draw from your wisdom and insight to begin drafting the “blueprints” for your future. With your coach you process issues, tap into dreams and passions, set goals, gain momentum where you feel stuck and create the framework for the design of your life.
Counselling can be compared to archaeology. A counsellor is helping you look back, “digging” to see how you got here and where you are wounded. The counsellor works with you to bring understanding and healing from your past as you grasp and deal with your present.I love how practical life coaching is and how success is measured by results.As your coach I will help you set goals and actions towards your goals. And I will support and encourage you to go after them in a structured and realistic way.
As your coach I deal with your life in all its dimensions, personal and professional life, health and relationships.
This can be around for example, finding better work-life balance – this often involves getting clear about your priorities and what really matters to you; how you want to spend your time and with who. Dealing with stress and feeling unsettled, career change and bringing meaning into your work and life, overcoming procrastination and making the first step towards doing what you really want to do. The list is endless.
Here are some key benefits of coaching:
Quality 1:1 support and guidance
A safe, confidential and unbiased space to think and talk, grow and develop
A neutral space to work through challenging and difficult issues
The opportunity to make long-term sustainable change in your life to achieve your goals
Quality and enjoyable me-time
Professional expertise and skills from your coach
Uninterrupted listening
Questions that can help you unlock your potential, ignite your best thinking
Practical exercises to support you in seeing multiple perspectives and generating new ideas
Help to draw up an action plan at the end of each session that is manageable and at the same time stretches you to do new and different things
Clients who take up between 4-6 sessions generally get the best results and long-lasting change. Often clients feel much better after the first session, then change can be slower while working through some of the more difficult issues – it can feel as though nothing much is happening but after one or two more sessions the shift and change often happens.
After this turning point, it’s a matter of consolidating the change you’ve made, creating all the right conditions to make the change long-lasting and sustainable, as change never happens in isolation but in relation to our environment and the people in our life.
It is a bit like going to the gym. We only get fit after sustained exercise over a few regular sessions. Although nothing much seems to be happening in the beginning, our bodies are adapting without us noticing. Change takes time but it can happen and does happen.
All it takes is commitment to yourself, a healthy belief that change is possible and patience.
Study a Nationally Recognised Program that is ICF ACTP Accredited www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/courses/