Tony Robbins Coach of the Year Award goes to LCA Graduate Mandy!!!
Our Student is awarded the Tony Robbins Coach of the Year ! Congratulations Mandy !
Top ICF-ACTP Coach Taining gets you the Top Job with limitless earnings !
NB – We are the only Registered Training Organization that has been awarded both National Recognition + ICF Acreditation at the top ACTP level.
Join the new breed of Coaching Entrepreneurs helping to make the world a better place
Coaches work flexible hours – $125 per hour on average, for Nationally Recognized ICF ACTP Accredited Coaches
Coaches retain their employment and coach clients part-time intially
Coaches have the option of working from home
Coaches are portable and are able to connect with their Clients via Skype or Webinar
Coaches offer the option of one on one coaching or group coaching.
Coaches offer public & motivational speaking and team leadership
Coaches offer Workplace Coaching
Coaches develop niche markets in the areas of Wellness, NLP & Business
Coaches have no business start-up costs besides initial training and professional indemnity insurance.
Coaches that have the ICF-ACTP Accredited qualification are the top earners