Coaches aren’t Therapists
Coaches are not therapists, but what are the problems a life-coach can help solve?
- Who do you call when you have a broken pipe at home?
- Where do you go when you need a haircut?
- \What if you were looking for legal advice?
- Would you ask a friend? A neighbor? Your spouse?
- Only if they happened to be a plumber, hairdresser, or lawyer, right?
So why not enlist professional help to reach your life goals? It’s not always best to rely on families or friends to support us in achieving our dreams and goals, so where are we supposed to turn?
While hiring a coach may not seem like the obvious answer in ordinary life situations, here is a list of the problems a Life Coach can help solve.
Life Coaches
help their clients overcome limiting beliefs that interfere with making progress and setting goals to move forward. Undoubtedly, your coach actively works to boost your esteem, motivation, and commitment until you are ready to do it on your own.
Think about it: if you have to answer to a coach every week, wouldn’t you be less likely to put things off? As a result, you feel more confident, which gives a natural boost to your motivation.
Sometimes the most rewarding problem a life coach can help solve is making it easier for YOU to identify the solution.
Have you ever thought to yourself why success looks so easy for some people? Surely, they are just lucky, right? NO, they aren’t! They have struggles and challenges, just like everyone else! On the other hand, what is different is they don’t fixate on what the problem is. Instead, they direct their focus to what the solution is.
Granted, sometimes it is hard to “see the trees for the forest” and that is precisely where a coach can help you. However, they aren’t going just to give you answers. In contrast, they will skillfully ask questions that get you to dig deep within yourself. You have the inner wisdom to make the best decisions for you, and a coach will help you discover it!
A Career Coach
will help you identify career paths that are in line with your passion and strengths. Also, they will help you craft a resume that will get seen; prepare for the interview, and negotiate salary once hired.
You live for Fridays, and by Sunday evening, you are starting to feel bummed. On top of that, you wake up on Mondays feeling grouchy and imagine every possible scenario that might excuse you. By the same token, you’ve thought about going back to school to learn something for a more rewarding career but have no idea where to start. Who would you ask for help? This is one of the most frequent problems a life-coach can help solve.
Health and Wellness Coaches
help clients break through the barriers that have kept them from achieving permanent and lasting results. For example, these are some habits clients break and/or form with their coaches:
- Stop eating junk food
- Start eating healthy
- Quit smoking
- Establish a solid work-out schedule
- Become more organized
- Practice better time management
- Incorporate meditation into a daily routine
- Learn to be more positive and optimistic
and many more….
All of us have tried to break bad habits and start new ones at some point in our lives. Sometimes we have permanent success while others success was fleeting. In order to achieve great results, a coach will help you identify your triggers and develop healthier responses to them.
Relationship Coach
Without a doubt, relationships are one of the most challenging parts of human existence.
Maybe you are single but not loving it.
Alternatively, you may be committed but looking to reignite the passion in your existing relationship.
Sometimes your relationships are stellar, but you want to up your game in navigating professional relationships more effectively.