August 2020

August 2020
August 21, 2020

Coaches are not therapists, but what are the problems a life-coach can help solve?

Who do you call when you have a broken pipe at home?

Where do you go when you need a haircut?

What if you were looking for legal advice?

Would you ask a friend? A neighbor? Your spouse?

Only if they happened to be a plumber, hairdresser, or lawyer, right?

So why not enlist professional help to reach your life goals? It’s not always best to rely on families or friends to support us in achieving our dreams and goals, so where are we supposed to turn?

While hiring a coach may not seem like the obvious answer in ordinary life situations, here is a list of the problems a Life Coach can help solve.

Life Coaches

help their clients overcome limiting beliefs that interfere with making progress and setting goals to move forward. Undoubtedly, your coach actively works to boost your esteem, motivation, and commitment until you are ready to do it on your own.

Think about it: if you have to answer to a coach every week, wouldn’t you be less likely to put things off? As a result, you feel more confident, which gives a natural boost to your motivation.

Sometimes the most rewarding problem a life coach can help solve is making it easier for YOU to identify the solution.

Have you ever thought to yourself why success looks so easy for some people? Surely, they are just lucky, right? NO, they aren’t! They have struggles and challenges, just like everyone else! On the other hand, what is different is they don’t fixate on what the problem is. Instead, they direct their focus to what the solution is.

Granted, sometimes it is hard to “see the trees for the forest” and that is precisely where a coach can help you. However, they aren’t going just to give you answers. In contrast, they will skillfully ask questions that get you to dig deep within yourself. You have the inner wisdom to make the best decisions for you, and a coach will help you discover it!

A Career Coach

will help you identify career paths that are in line with your passion and strengths. Also, they will help you craft a resume that will get seen; prepare for the interview, and negotiate salary once hired.

You live for Fridays, and by Sunday evening, you are starting to feel bummed. On top of that, you wake up on Mondays feeling grouchy and imagine every possible scenario that might excuse you. By the same token, you’ve thought about going back to school to learn something for a more rewarding career but have no idea where to start. Who would you ask for help? This is one of the most frequent problems a life-coach can help solve.

Health and Wellness Coaches

help clients break through the barriers that have kept them from achieving permanent and lasting results. For example, these are some habits clients break and/or form with their coaches:

Stop eating junk food
Start eating healthy
Quit smoking
Establish a solid work-out schedule
Become more organized
Practice better time management
Incorporate meditation into a daily routine
Learn to be more positive and optimistic
and many more….

All of us have tried to break bad habits and start new ones at some point in our lives. Sometimes we have permanent success while others success was fleeting. In order to achieve great results, a coach will help you identify your triggers and develop healthier responses to them.

Relationship Coach

Without a doubt, relationships are one of the most challenging parts of human existence.

Maybe you are single but not loving it.

Alternatively, you may be committed but looking to reignite the passion in your existing relationship.

Sometimes your relationships are stellar, but you want to up your game in navigating professional relationships more effectively.

These are precisely the things a relationship coach can help with!
In Summary
A life-coach can help solve many problems. Hiring a life coach may not be your default answer for any of the above, but if you stop to think about it, it makes total sense to seek the same personalized support to reach your life goals as you would to fix a broken pipe or have your teeth cleaned.
Becoming happy, resilient, and living with passion and purpose are only some of the gains you can expect from working with a certified coach.

August 20, 2020
Self-confidence is the ability to trust in your abilities, capacities and judgments. The power of this confidence is that it creates a firm belief that you’re able to successfully face life’s challenges and demands.

Everybody has times when they struggle with low self-confidence and increased self-doubt. However, self-confidence is a skill that can be practised and mastered by anyone- and it’s a skill that can transform your life.

Building your confidence is especially important in order to increase your resilience so you can be confident that you can face anything life throws at you.

These 5 tips can help you transform your self-confidence today. While they might seem simple, if you’re able to implement them into your daily routine, you will master the skill of self-confidence.


1. Question your inner critic

We are often our own worst critic and some of the harshest criticisms are born from our deepest insecurities.

If you are struggling with low self-confidence there is a chance that your inner critic has become overactive and inaccurate. Strategies like Cognitive Restructuring, which is often used in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, allows you to challenge and question your inner critic and reframe the way you are talking to yourself.

By asking yourself questions like “what evidence is there that I am successful?” Oppose to asking yourself why you are a failure is a great way to challenge the negative language our inner critic uses.

Furthermore, when you list all the evidence, big and small, to support this idea we are actively looking for our achievements. Congratulating ourselves on these accomplishments subconsciously teaches our brain to think positively about ourselves and reinforces this belief.


2. Make Positive Affirmations part of your daily routine

Positive affirmations are a meaningful way to transform our inner and worldview. Incorporating two or three positive and sincere statements into our routine can help foster resilience and build our self-confidence.

The most effective affirmations focus on what you want, rather than what you are trying to avoid.

For example ‘I am a confident person’ instead of ‘I want to be more confident.’ If you find yourself thinking ‘I am not…’ stop and think about having you can express yourself more positively.


3. Set yourself up to win

A lot of people who struggle with self-confidence tend to set themselves large and seemingly unattainable goals. By breaking these down into smaller, more manageable goals you are able to set yourself up to win.

Break-down big-picture goals into smaller tasks help you create structure and it also gives you time to focus on the ‘did-it’ list as well as your ‘to-do’ list. By reflecting on these milestones you are able to feel more confident in your abilities and skills.


4. Take time to care for yourself

Self-confidence is often a result of good physical, emotional and social health. It is difficult to feel good about ourselves and confidence in our abilities when we are isolated or dislike our physical appearance.

Making time to cultivate healthy routines like exercising and good eating and sleeping habits is an important step in feeling better about ourselves. Additionally, it’s important to learn to say ‘no’ and care for our mental health by fostering clear boundaries in our everyday life.

Build your confidence by looking after yourself first and creating time to care for yourself. Self-care is never selfish, in fact, when we feel good about ourselves we have more time to care for others.


5. Help someone else

Sometimes the best way to help ourselves is to help someone else. It enables us to forget about our own insecurities and feels grateful for what we do have.

Volunteering to help another person through mentoring or practically assisting or teaching another will help you see your own strength, allowing your self-confidence to grow organically in the process.

Self-confidence is a skill that requires ongoing attention.

By incorporating these simple and positive steps into your daily routine you can reframe the way you look at yourself and your goals, which will ultimately help you lead a more fulfilling, successful and confident life.

Life Coach Find
August 19, 2020
Matt Rossler is a professional life and productivity coach who works with ambitious individuals in their 20’s and 30’s. His clients are entrepreneurs, board members and creatives, they are leaders and innovators who work with not-for-profits, corporates and everything in between.
Matt specialises in supporting clients to increase their personal and professional efficiency and maximise productivity. He helps his clients get clear on their future and make the impact they desire.

Matt is passionate, enthusiastic and has over 10 years of diverse coaching and training experience. He has led multiple national teams in the employment sector and founded a successful social enterprise. Matt is also a certified executive functions skills coach where he supports Neurodiverse clients and clients with poor executive functions skills to strengthen their executive functions to achieve their academic and business goals.

Clients often approach Matt with dreams of transforming side hustles into successful businesses, launching ambitious creative projects and transitioning into careers they love. It’s usually a mixture of unproductive habits and routines, a lack of structure and clarity, and a fixed mindset that keeps them from pursuing their ambitions.

Matt’s programs increase efficiency and maximise productivity, focusing on tangible results and sustainable outcomes. This results in the client working smarter to achieve their goals and feeling more in control and confident in life.