6 Inspirational Examples Of Life Coaching

Even the most famous people on earth can face the same kind of challenges as we face while going about our lives.  They also feel a spur of emotions and might be overwhelmed by their situation rendering them unable to continue on the right track of life. Here are some of the most famous and inspirational stories of celebrities going to life coaches for help and assistance.

Oprah Winfrey

A lot of life coaches have graced Oprah’s show and she has given a chance to many people to lead better lives. We all know how strong of a woman she herself is and how her life is a lesson for everyone to strive for the best things in life. She attributes a part of her success to her life coach, Martha Beck, and has been a serious advocate of life coaching for a long period of time. Martha helps people in achieving their goals and we have seen Oprah reach greater heights after coming under her consultation.

Metallica the Band

For the people growing up in the 90s, Metallica was a great fascination and attracted the respect of millions of fans. However, the band had occasional feuds and it was becoming hard for the members to continue as a single unit.

In the documentary “Some Kind of Monster”, it is finally revealed that the members came to peace because of the efforts and sessions conducted by Phil Towel. He is a therapist and a performance enhancement coach who helped the band in staying together for more than a decade.

Leonardo DiCaprio

DiCaprio has been around for quite a while and had only a few big movies to his credit. Despite being a good actor, he wasn’t able to give compelling performances and still lacked the spark to earn him good roles.

By coming under the supervision of Tony Robbins, he was able to polish his skills and work on his strengths. Since then, he has bagged some of the most memorable roles of his career and has given some stellar performances. He finally received his long-awaited Oscar for showcasing his amazing acting skills in “The Revenant”. Thus, Robbins showed him the way to focus on his strengths and utilize them in the best way to achieve success.

Serena Williams

Just like the DiCaprio, Tony Robbins (affiliate) has also inspired the tennis sensation Serena Williams to enhance her performance on the court. Williams reveals that it was becoming difficult for her to up her game as she suffered different injuries.

Robbins helped her in developing persistence and trained her body to resist the pressure of the injury and ensure peak performance. He ignited the sportsperson in her and enabled her to shift her focus from her weakness/injuries to giving a strong performance despite adverse circumstances. She went on to win a Grand Slam and is undoubtedly, the leading female tennis player in the entire world.

Roger Federer

Federer started out as an aggressive player who was famous for slamming rackets on the court. Though he had potential, it was overshadowed because of his anger which didn’t let him perform to his true capabilities. It was his coach, Peter Carter, who realized that the best way to improve Federer’s performance is to bring a change in his personality.

Apart from training him for the sport, he also started working on his personality and helped him in consuming his aggression. Unfortunately, he died in a car crash and couldn’t live up to see the immense success which Roger enjoyed later. Still, Roger identifies him as the truest source of inspiration and the reason behind the change in his attitude and personality.

Richard Branson

When Richard Branson expressed his desire of running an airline, no one took him seriously. It was his coach and mentor, Sir Freddie Laker, who helped him in achieving the goal and then living it to the fullest.

Branson was even unable to comprehend the challenges which he faced in his business. It was his coach who made him realize the problems and helped him in resolving them. It is wondrous how Laker helped and motivated him to form one of the most successful airlines in the world, Virgin Atlantic.