The Importance of Unsubscribing

Hello Subscriber,

Firstly, we would like to thank you for subscribing to our newsletter, taking our Quiz or requesting a Free Info pack, calling us or requesting information on a particular course 🙂

For all or one of these reasons you will receive emails, special offers and/or information.

If you are interested in learning why we are the only choice in Life Coach training, learning how to compare organisations and their offerings or even just curious about the industry and where its heading then, we would love for you to remain on our mailing list and maybe even send us a quick email to say something like: dont call me, just browsing and doing my due diligence.

If you have been getting emails or calls and you have moved on from the idea or you have already made a decision PLEASE PLEASE unsubscribe yourself or email us to do so.  We have no intention of contacting you if you are no longer interested in Life Coach training or our training.

We have been around since 2001 and do not have the need to try and hard sell to you.  We are transparent about the future industry requirements for regulation, we are LVL 2 ICF endorsed and we are as good as it gets.

We are not looking to invite you to a free seminar and rope you into signing up for a long expensive course.  We are also not looking to call or email you if you are not interested.  We dont want you to Spam us or block us for being annoying as we are only going off your interest and requests for information.

If you dont want to be called, make that known in your enquiry.  We take note of that and its really awkward when you put false numbers in and we call Amy to see if she got the information SHE requested and get Bob who is not happy to be called Amy lol!!!  Happens everyday – so we suggest adding your number and saying please text and email only or 0000 000 000 lets us know and we dont have to annoy Bob!!

Daretocompare 2023

We have so many ways for you to investigate your best options and when you are ready to talk, you are able to let us know.  We do of course want to ensure you have received the information YOU have requested as it can tend to go into spam.